Home » What To Expect At A Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care.

What To Expect At A Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care.

I went to Yun Nam Hair Care Centre at City Square Mall last week and I thought I’ll share my experience here with you! Most people have heard of Yun Nam but how many of you really know what’s like it inside? It was definitely eye-opening for me. I stepped in and the branch manager, Claris, gave me a hair analysis where she did a scan of my hair to analyse how healthy (or unhealthy *gasp*) my hair is.

Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care

I was quite curious really how my hair condition is and was really looking forward to knowing more. Here’s sharing my hair condition:

consultation at yun nam hair care

I have an oily scalp which requires me to wash my hair daily. While sebum is good for my scalp, too much of it can cause problems.

See sebum can attract pollutants, cosmetic products and dead skin cells. If I don’t cleanse well enough, this is all left to build up and clogs the hair pores. If pores are clogged, hair follicles cannot grow!

Quite like how a facial works really. If your skin is clogged, all the goodness that you are giving your hair/scalp cannot be absorbed.

Treatment Process

Claris recommended that I do a Customised Ginseng Hair Care Treatment. What it is:

– 100% herbal formula consisting of mainly Ginseng extracts
– Fast penetration deep into the scalp
– Stimulate New Hair Growth
– Unclog and Repair Damaged Hair Follicles
– Reduce and Control Hair Fall
– Increase Hair Thickness and Strength
– Strengthen Hair Roots
– Each treatment will take about 2 hours, including 30 minutes of steaming
– The treatments are made from 25 different herbs from Asia countries
– Ginseng essence is used for the scalp to control the oil and make the scalp healthier
– Protein essence is used for the hair ends to make it softer and more manageable

Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care

This goo made of ginseng extracts and other marvellous ingredients smells heavenly – but that’s because I love the smell of ginseng!

So they applied this on my hair for a thorough cleanse.

After washing off, they also put a special treatment on and steamed my hair for 30 mins.

Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care


Consultation At Yun Nam Hair Care

A CLEAN SCALP! Well cleansed and all! I feel refreshed and my scalp feels really clean! :)

They are really like a hair salon that helps people recover from various hair problems through the educated use of natural herbs.

Their team of Hair Care Experts are all well-equipped with an in-depth knowledge of hair analysis to get to the root of your hair problems and ensure that your hair problem is treated fast! Now you know what it’s like from the inside! :)


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Yun Nam Hair Care is the No. 1 Recommended Brand, the Most Effective Brand, the Most Trusted Brand and the Recognised Hair Care Brand in Singapore (Based on a Hair, Face and Body Brand Awareness Survey conducted by Connecting Insights Consultants since 2008).



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