Home » Ten great MFP articles you might have missed last year!

Ten great MFP articles you might have missed last year!

Time to show a little editorial support for the wonderful portal that I am a resident blogger of – MyFatPocket! 2012 has been an amazing year for them with so many new members, great giveaways, but more importantly for a portal like theirs, GREAT CONTENT! Here are 10 articles which I really enjoyed reading! Sharing here for your pleasure! :)


#1 – Top 10 surprising things that cause premature aging

While ageing is an inevitable part of life, how quickly or well you age depends on many different factors. Although there are some obvious causes of premature ageing, there are many seemingly harmless things that can also add on the years.

#2 – Want to slim down? Eat more!

Obesity-related problems also go beyond skin-deep. One of the leading health concerns in the world, obesity gives rise to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, heart and kidney failure, stroke and cancer.

#3 – Why Women & Men Think Differently

Why women and men think and behave differently has been a topic of debate, so here’s a light-hearted look at some of the funny differences between men and women.

#4 – Plastic Surgery: How to Cheat it with the Powerful Tool of Illusion

Before you really rush to the plastic surgeons to have your face fix, you might want to try some of the make up tricks to enhance your face too!

#5 – Making The Calories Count: Eat The Right Types of Food

Hypothetically, if a serving of fried chicken has the same amount of calories as a serving of vegetables, it is okay to indulge in the former, right? Hold that thought. Dr Mitchel Montignac, the first doctor to coin the glycemic index, opined that different foods affect our blood glucose levels differently.

#6 – 10 Ways to Make this your Best Year Yet

I don’t like making resolutions for I never keep to them but I believe in detoxing so that I’ll have a good new year ahead! Detoxing in many forms; making some goals, think positively, plan for some trips (happy thoughts) etc… what about you? Click on the above title to read the article.

#7 – 10 secrets men keep from you

Lip service. That’s when men tell women what they want to hear. “No, honey, I wasn’t checking her out. You’re much better looking than her anyway.” But in reality, there are many secrets men keep. They have somehow just figured out that the key to a better relationship is to lock their lips.

#8 – The False Eyelashes Breakdown! Different Types for Various Looks

It’s true that eyes are the windows to the soul but in order to make the “windows” look good, you musn’t forget you need gorgeous “curtains” in this case, eyelashes, to make it look even better! Click on the above title to read the article.

#9 – Ten Alternative DIY Beauty Treatments That Work!

Looking great, fresh and still have money to spare? DIY beauty treatments that work! Sounds too good to be true right? Click on the above title to read the article.

#10 – 10 signs you’re in a good relationship

Nothing and no one is perfect. Women often pick at flaws and overlook the signs that they’re in a great relationship. Sometimes, we need to sit back, appreciate what we have and count each and every little blessing. Here are the often overlooked signs of a of a great relationship.

Looking forward to a great year with MyFatPocket! :)


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