My Recent New Loots For My Baby!

Update 2019: MaternityExchange is no longer operating in Singapore. Short post to share my excitement over my recent loots. #1: JuJuBe Diaper Bag I cannot wait to review this product. I have been waiting for this!! It’s of super good quality and one of the most well designed diaper bags in the industry! It’s built with a Mom’s needs in mind! There’s like small pockets for a mom’s personal belongings, diaper changing pad (with memory foam somemore!), inbuilt insulated pockets…

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Maternity Bras from Spring Maternity

It has come to a point where my previous bras doesn’t fit anymore. And I was too silly to buy bras with wires in them before as my maternity bras. If you didn’t already know, nursing and maturity bras must all have NO wires as it will restrict the flow of breastmilk. And besides, maybe the sizes are too small for me or something, but the wires leave red marks on my body :( I went to Spring Maternity and…

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Work Pants from Spring Maternity

Featuring work pants that I got from Spring Maternity! Loving how stretchy and comfortable it is over my ginormous bump! I am starting to see why people who aren’t pregnant but still go back to Spring Maternity for their clothes. All the clothes are easily adjustable, and very flexible. You could grow/shrink a few sizes throughout pregnancy and the same thing you buy from Spring Maternity always seems to fit still. Bottom: Straight Andria Pants Navy $69.90, Spring Maternity Shoes: Women’s Crocs Cobbler…

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#LOTD Maternity Wear

Maternity LOTD update! Being pregnant makes me feel super huge all over :( I thought I could go through my entire pregnancy with my normal clothes (since most of my clothes aren’t that tight fitting), and I did go through my entire 1st Trimester without the need for extra clothes but now that I have gotten wayyyy bigger, I had to hunt for good quality maternity wear. Maternity wear that will last me through the rest of my pregnancy as…

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