Welcoming 2011

Hi Everyone! It’s my first post for this brand new year. And it’s going to be raw and honest. I was really secure and happy for many, many years. I wasn’t afraid of all that will come my way. I didn’t even care because I always felt secure. A new year just meant being older (adding a year to the damn application forms that I fill up). But this year, it means so much more. This year of 2011 brings…

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Cryptic Message

Was this shown to me so that I may need it one day, like now?

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My 2010

In the past 1 year, I have done much. I became a new house owner and made a new home to love and cherish. My blog really flourished with a new updated look and loads of new sponsored posts. Bought a iPhone4 finally and then put it into the washer. -.-|| Went to Chengdu, Phuket and China. Decided that I am exactly where I wanted to be and then only to have things fall apart immediately after. Loved and had…

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Embracing life by appreciating the moment…

This is a dark entry. Quite different from the usual posts I do. Not to be negative but I just thought I’ll come by and remind everyone of how tangible and fragile life is. It starts from the moment we breathe our first till the day we inhale our last. You really never know what tomorrow has in store for you. At the end of the day, are the things you get angry about or friends you are angry at…

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Hello Mature Aged Student

Today, I was innocently surfing Facebook… and then I received a new message. Messages are rare for me cos most of my friends/family and I communicate on wall/msn. I saw it was from the university that I attended – Edith Cowan University. I opened it and to my horror…. this was the message I received. MATURE AGE? FML!!! :(

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The Client and The Ad Agency

I found this spoof on how relationships are like between the client and the ad agency. Ad agencies in general do not get much respect in a great variety of ways. One of these ways, is the devaluation of an agency’s services. In short, HAGGLING. I agree with this guy’s opinion that there are no other business that I know of that would accept this type of customer relationship, and it could be that those in the industry only have…

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The Debut I've been waiting for.

Finally. FINALLY, after so many months of research, hair pulling, going half mad at html, xml and what not, and of course, procrastination, a new look for my dear blog debuts. So… what do you think! The last blog template was honestly a disgrace. I work in digital marketing and my blog had to be the most un-userfriendly one out there. But hey, I recognised a change was overdue and well, it’s done finally!!! During the planning stage, my ideal…

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A sesh with my besties

I tell you ah, one of these days, my friends are all going to desert me and I will be lonely and nobody will love me. I was supposed to meet with my oldest friends at 7.30pm the other day and I made it at 9.30pm. They even purposely arranged the place to be super near my office. I keep up with this thing about being late for 2 hours every time, I will have no social life and end…

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