Daniel at 5 months

It’s a month of many first for Daniel. Firstly he discovered bubble blowing and started spewing out heaps of saliva. If I complained about his saliva last month, this month should be termed THE SALIVA MONTH. He’s like a uncontrollable tap! Little dude is still always as cheery as ever, and making heaps of baby noises. More recently he started saying Mmmmmm Mumma a lot! I wonder if he’s trying to call me. :) Don’t all moms fantasise about that.…

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Daniel at 4 months

My boy’s 4 months old now! Time flies!! I’ve been back at work for a month now and I’m definitely adjusted back to a hectic work pace. I am loving all the new clothes I have and my new body. Yes! I have gotten back to what I was before and me thinks I might possibly be in better shape than before! This is of course possible only because of all the slimming treatments that I’ve been going for. Daniel’s…

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My first month with my newborn

We’ve celebrated Daniel turning 1 month old some time back. I had some time today and decided to reflect on how my first month with my newborn went. Before Daniel came into our lives, I’m scared of them babies. They cry and I don’t know what to do if they cry. But this isn’t just any baby. It’s MY baby. Truth be told, as the friendly nurse at TMC Hospital tucked Daniel and I into the taxi and said goodbye…

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