Fedora L3 Stroller Review: Foldable & Reclines Fully!

I’ve had the Fedora L3 Stroller for about 6 months now and it’s high time I gave some airtime to our trusty go-to stroller. Fedora is not new to our family. We have the Fedora S7 Stroller which we love for its huge size and comfort. It’s great for long walks but not the most compact for travelling on public transport. But we really like the quality that the Fedora brand offers. We were looking forward to Fedora’s launch of their L3…

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This Sturdy Korean Stroller Is What You Need For Your Newborn!

Time to rave about another new product I checked out!! Here’s our new Fedora S7 Stroller, KOREA’s NO.1 STROLLER that’s just launched in Singapore recently. We have been using it for the past couple of months and here’s sharing some pictures and what I think about the product! Key things to note about the stroller ♥ Easy Auto folding ♥ Duo facing mode ♥ Auto Swivel Lock for front wheels ♥ Foot brake for rear wheels ♥ 5-point harness with safety guard…

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