The Importance Of Playing Outdoors With My Kids

Outdoor play for kids is a big part of healthy growth, learning and development for them. Last weekend, we took the kids out to the big grass field near home to fly a kite, and ride a bike. It was such good fun This was how I grew up back in Malaysia and now, because we live in Singapore without a garden, we don’t really bring the kids out for some outdoor fun often enough. Outdoor play for kids is…

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Remember You Before You Became A Mom

Raising kids, working, caring for your elderly parents, running a household, mothers pretty much have to do it all these days. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? In all this “doing”, there’s one thing that’s definitely not happening: Moms these days are so busy taking care of everyone else that they often neglect to take care of themselves. Read also: I make a better employee as a mom I juggle between a full-time job, running the household, and raising 2 young kids. My husband…

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Fedora L3 Stroller Review: Foldable & Reclines Fully!

I’ve had the Fedora L3 Stroller for about 6 months now and it’s high time I gave some airtime to our trusty go-to stroller. Fedora is not new to our family. We have the Fedora S7 Stroller which we love for its huge size and comfort. It’s great for long walks but not the most compact for travelling on public transport. But we really like the quality that the Fedora brand offers. We were looking forward to Fedora’s launch of their L3…

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I Make A Better Employee As A Mom

Like everyone else, I used to think that being a parent is an impediment to career success. But little did I know that being a parent – and specifically a mom – can make you better at your job. So here’s my personal take on why women can personally become a better employee once they become a mom.

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Here’s Why I Don’t Hang Out As Much Any More :(

Wow, I received so much love and support from my previous post on why it’s so hard to work late as a working mom. I’m relieved to know that so many of you find it challenging to balance work and family. I feel a little less lonely. Every day, the husband and I continuously try to grow into being better parents for our 2 children. But you know who we’re neglecting?

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Here’s Why Working Moms Can’t Work Late

Before I became a working mom, putting in extra hours at the office was a piece of cake. I did it often and I didn’t mind it. I’ll text the husband, order takeaway, share it with my colleagues and finish the work. Go home, sleep, repeat. I’d even have time to squeeze in a workout at the gym. But like with everything else in life, having kids complicates the whole thing about working overtime. 

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Being a Mom, It’s So Hard Sometimes…

Being a mom is tough. The devoid of personal time a mom has and the pressure to juggle work and life is beyond what I could have imagined when I was single and childless. Being a mom is exhausting and life just doesn’t stop. I thought having 1 kid was bad. That was until the 2nd one came along recently and I felt like having 1 kid was child’s play (pun intended)! The older child is only 2 years old now and still…

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Barney’s Greatest Hits In Singapore 2016

That’s right kids, mummies and daddies. BARNEY IS COMING TO SINGAPORE!!! Barney and his friends are proud to present Barney Greatest Hits! It’s time to sing and dance with the purple dinosaur, Barney and his friends Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, in this high-energy song and dance live on stage. To celebrate Barney’s love and care over 25 years, a brand new musical with many of Barney’s popular and favorite songs all in one show. 

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