Ultimate List of Mother and Baby Tips For Singapore Moms

This is my ultimate list of mother and baby tips that Singaporean parents will find useful. You’ll find useful tips on how to love and play with your child, and reviews of products & services that I have personally tried and tested. 

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Dear First Time Mummy, Don’t Race Through The Early Days.

The early newborn days are some of the toughest times you’ll go through. There’s so much to take in, to learn and make adjustments to. If you know of any first time mummy, or you are one yourself, I hope you read this.

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Here’s Why Working Moms Can’t Work Late

Before I became a working mom, putting in extra hours at the office was a piece of cake. I did it often and I didn’t mind it. I’ll text the husband, order takeaway, share it with my colleagues and finish the work. Go home, sleep, repeat. I’d even have time to squeeze in a workout at the gym. But like with everything else in life, having kids complicates the whole thing about working overtime. 

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Being a Mom, It’s So Hard Sometimes…

Being a mom is tough. The devoid of personal time a mom has and the pressure to juggle work and life is beyond what I could have imagined when I was single and childless. Being a mom is exhausting and life just doesn’t stop. I thought having 1 kid was bad. That was until the 2nd one came along recently and I felt like having 1 kid was child’s play (pun intended)! The older child is only 2 years old now and still…

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Barney’s Greatest Hits In Singapore 2016

That’s right kids, mummies and daddies. BARNEY IS COMING TO SINGAPORE!!! Barney and his friends are proud to present Barney Greatest Hits! It’s time to sing and dance with the purple dinosaur, Barney and his friends Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, in this high-energy song and dance live on stage. To celebrate Barney’s love and care over 25 years, a brand new musical with many of Barney’s popular and favorite songs all in one show. 

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How I Planned An Elaborate Yellow Duck Nautical Themed Party

mI work 9-7 pm every week day and get home by 8-9pm, sleep by 10pm and the day starts all over again. Weekends are mad packed with my kid’s enrichment classes and family time. In between toilet breaks at work, late nights and when I’m breastfeeding Nathen, the husband and I had to plan Nathen’s 100 days baby party within 2 weeks.

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New Korean Hospital Grade Breastpump – This Is Worth Checking Out

And… the name of the brand is Gaksimil. You probably haven’t heard of it before, well neither have I until I kept seeing it at baby fairs! Exclusively distributed by My Miracle Baby in Singapore, Gaksimil caught my attention when I first saw a demo of it. In a market saturated with many other successful brands, I was interested to see just what this new kid on the block had in it’s pocket. Gaksimil Sense Electric Double Breast Pump Here’s what…

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Is A UV Steriliser Really Worth It?

Just upgraded my modest electric steam steriliser to the Haenim UV Steriliser! I used to sterilise my kid’s milk bottles and my breast pump with the usual “traditional” electric steam method. Recently I have been using a more conveniently efficient (IMHO at least) way to sterilise bottles for my baby. While it is A WHOLE LOT MORE EXPENSIVE compared to electric steam sterilisers, many moms like me prefer UV Sterilising to Electric Steam Sterilising and I’m about to share why. I am…

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