5 Must Read Tips for DIY Confinement In Singapore

In our current era, doing confinement by yourself is getting more and more commonplace. The lack of family support, hassle of hiring help/confinement lady, preference of not living with strangers in the house are just some of the more common reasons driving the uptake of DIY Confinement. Lucky for many, there are a lot of companies who have moved with the times and are now providing services to cater to this upcoming trend. I thought I’ll share some tips on…

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My Chinese Confinement in Singapore

Hello everybody. Thank goodness for internet otherwise I might really go crazy at home. So this is the recovery time after childbirth. I’m at home doing my chinese confinement in Singapore. Baby Daniel is doing well and it’s nerve-wrecking as first time parents. I got the hang of carrying a newborn and breastfeeding relatively well. Baby Daniel is very cooperative and smart which helped in the whole breastfeeding process which can be quite stressful for a lot of people. Read also:…

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