Home » Negativity


*warning* Everything negative ahead!

I have a friend who has turned very negative lately. Everything normal, potentially good or slightly good can be turned into something negative. I have no idea how anybody can be so bitter to see so much negativity! And he/she used to be so happy before!

This is a very good friend of mine. Try as I may to tolerate the massive amounts of negativity coming from this friend of mine whenever I talk to him/her, but it gets to me. It makes me want to draw away, and stay away. The positivity that I always make an effort to keep in my life is drained unbelievably quickly.

I learned in life that every negative feeling I ever have is my own responsibility. If you feel wronged, or life is unfair, ask yourself why? What did you do that made you end up this way?

A lot of opinions and things in life are subjective. You are the owner of your own feelings. Why do you knowingly let millions of negative feelings and reasons take charge of your life? You really have yourself to blame.

Lately I have been doing a lot of planning, research and asking around for my Europe Holiday. The stress, the urgency and the fact that nothing is confirmed (and I could very well end up not going) has accumulated to too much stress for me to take. I was very stressed about the negative situation as well as worried about all the negative things that could happen. I very nearly ruined it with my bad behaviour – I took a step back and looked at the bigger picture.

But I am digressing.

Sometimes the road seems windy and long, but remember, there is a reason that made you take this road. Remember it and revel in the outcome of the tiresome journey you are undertaking.

Back to my point about my friend, I don’t know if you know who you are but, your negativity is really making me click on the “X” of every chat we have online. And you’re a good friend whom I don’t want to lose contact with.

Nagativity starts and end with you. You got to really take a step back and focus on what you can “control”. Those that you can’t, you have to realise it and stop lamenting about it. Complaining about it will not solve things. Neither will it make you feel or your life better. Get over it. Like really.

Embrace the inevitableness of change in life instead of fighting it. Make the best out of a situation.

The bottom line here is, find a positive outlet to let go of these negativity you inevitably will encounter on a daily basis. Share with someone, laugh about it and move on. Don’t keep going on and on about it! Nobody likes being with a negative person. Negativity is CONTAGIOUS. One time is okay, twice is fine, but it has somehow become every single chat, every single day already!

me: So how was your trip to the mall?
negative friend: so tiring.
me: ?!?!?!?!

me: Oh you must be happy about XX!
negative friend: er XX should be like this. It’s expected.
me: ?!?!?!?!?!?

I rather not give more specific examples.

My friend, I hope you will not be afraid to be happy and celebrate the best of everything.

I’m out.

P.s.: I’m not better than anyone. I’m just my own person managing my own emotions and life, working very hard to see the best in everything.


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