Sponsored Video: What's #Momazing

Momazing is the powerful feeling of getting it right. All moms wants to give the best to their child, and I am of no exception. Momazing is that magical moment when your child surprises you with a milestone they achieve for the first time and you feel a powerful mix of emotions – pride at their flourishing development, and reassurance that you are doing a great job as a mum. It is that time when he writes his name for…

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This Sturdy Korean Stroller Is What You Need For Your Newborn!

Time to rave about another new product I checked out!! Here’s our new Fedora S7 Stroller, KOREA’s NO.1 STROLLER that’s just launched in Singapore recently. We have been using it for the past couple of months and here’s sharing some pictures and what I think about the product! Key things to note about the stroller ♥ Easy Auto folding ♥ Duo facing mode ♥ Auto Swivel Lock for front wheels ♥ Foot brake for rear wheels ♥ 5-point harness with safety guard…

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I'm a Fisher-Price Play IQ Ambassador Mum!

I’m super excited about being appointed as Fisher-Price Play IQ Ambassador Mum and I can’t wait to share with you all that knowledge that I have gained. See Fisher-Price is not just the leading maker of toys for babies and young children, they do put a lot of thought and research into the development of toys that help children become more well-rounded individuals. Play IQ is a Fisher-Price concept and platform that helps parents assess a child’s level of development…

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Nestle Cerelac – Wheat, Honey & Dates

Babies from 8 months on will be excited to know that Nestlé has launched a unique new flavour to infant cereals – Nestlé  CERELAC® Wheat, Honey & Dates! Benefits of Dates In my whole list of foods/flavours that I want to introduce to Daniel, I never really considered dates as one of them. Dates are a fruit that are more commonly associated with adult diets. It is not well known the nutritional value that dates can provide as part of a day-today diet…

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Baby By Spring – Circus Collection

I am a hugeeee fan of the clothes from Baby by Spring. Baby by Spring is a label under Spring Maternity and has products from baby apparel, bedding to accessories. What I super love about the brand is that they have a range that’s made from bamboo fabric which are especially suitable for babies whose skin is more sensitive and delicate. Bamboo fabric is natural, silky, soft, anti-bacterial and hypo- allergenic, with excellent moisture wicking quality and ability to regulate body…

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I learnt how to perform Tuina for Babies!

For the past 4 weeks, I’ve been busy every Saturday afternoon attending classes with Daniel at Beauty.Mums & Babies! :) It was such good bonding time. I actually learnt how to perform simple Ancient Chinese Accupressure Massage (or commonly known as Tuina) to promote good health for our babies and children. The benefits of Tuina massages are aplenty and are not limited to: • Supporting brain development • Relieving discomfort from wind, colic and constipation • Improving appetite for picky eaters…

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MooGoo Bath Care Review

Since we started using the MooGoo skin care products (and fell in love with the Soothing MSM Cream), we’ve kinda expanded the range we’re using to the bath products too :) Here’s sharing my views on the bath care products we’ve been using lately. Starting from my NEW FAVOURITE – the Natural Mini Moo Bubbly Wash (here)! My little playful baby loves bath time with bubbles! The best bubbles are made by Sodium Laureth Sulphate, and this is also a…

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MooGoo Skincare Review

If you haven’t heard of MooGoo, here’s a little background to start us all off with. MooGoo is an Australian skin care company that makes a range of natural produced designed for people with skin or scalp problems. It is for people wanting a natural alternative to chemicals. It is one of the pricier brands for baby skincare but their products are worth taking a second look at. Daniel is at 9 months now and every other day, we have…

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