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Boredom leads to many a things

I did it!

Yes people. I quit. I walked right up to my boss with my pristine white envelope in my right hand, gave him a sickly sweet smile and dropped the letter full of sweet-nothings onto his desk. He looked at me in shock.

I leaned over and whispered “it’s over”. And then I sat down in front of him, crossed my legs and looked at him straight in the eye and told him that I am a valuable employee treated on par with the office fishes (forgotten and left to die). I told him enough is enough and watched his expressions turn from shock to understanding to worry. I asked him to kiss my ass (no, not literally) and walked right off.


Nono, it was all very amicably done.

See, I was bored at work. Everybody is bored at work at some point in time. So if you want to continually fall into this bottomless pit of hopelessness, read on.

“Boredom is where none of the possible things a person can do realistically appeal to the person in question. This renders the person inactive, and generally unhappy. Thus, boredom is the result of having nothing to do that one likes.” – The Boring Institute.

I know. Boredom gives little pleasure and entertainment as a subject to be discussed about. What did people do in the days when there was no technology such as the Internet and the Computer? How did they survive those hours of twiddling their thumbs and toes?

My hamster so cute can? Look at her little padded feet.

The Internet can be a fascinating thing. The little black screen on your desktop can deliver us from our otherwise DULL boring lives. With games, instant messaging, jokes, blogs, endless information, it can be infinitely entertaining, if you knew where to look click.

As with all other good in life, comes the downside of it. The much dreaded feeling of suspecting if your boss is spying on you (using that very same technology!). How much time do you actually spend working and researching, or rather, how much time you pretend to be doing so while planning your escape.

So. Ladies and Gentlemen, if I were really rather be somewhere esle, doing something more interesting and being surrounded by people whom I like and respect, then it’s time to move on.

So goodbye to “one-liner brief” for an entire marketing campaign. Good riddance to being taken for granted. I will not waste my time doing things that I don’t like and leave me hopeless and angry. I refuse to let boredom and negative feelings ravage my mind and body, leaving me with a degraded self-esteem.

Done. Now that means I get to go on another holiday before my new job! Vietnam? Bangkok/SZ/HK? Sipadan Islands?

Sun and Sea, Shopping and Massages or Scuba Diving?

I am going to be so broke and so happy. =)


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