Home » Been a while but I'm back

Been a while but I'm back

I’m supposed to be working on a presentation deck now (yes, sheesh, I’m referring to work) and today is Sunday. But well, here I am.

Doesn’t help that this work was on my mind all through Saturday. Shit…
I’ve been extremely busy at work lately. And I think I might just need a break or quit entirely from this current job scope.

See, I work in Digital Advertising. Which also means, mostly websites but it also means that there’s a lot of backend IT to manage. You know if you go to yahoo and sign up for a new email account and there all those pages you have to go through, the forms you have to fill and the verification emails you’ll receive and such?

Yea well, I have to come up with all that. The foundation of which is not really the programming behind it (since my colleague assured me anything is mostly possible haha) actually. What it takes to do a good flow, for example, for a registration form is purely based on logic.

Yes. You heard me right. Plain logic.

While it seems, again, easy cos there are so many websites out there already to take reference from but somehow, every project has a little factor to accommodate and then it complicates the whole she-bang.

I’m exhausted.

And there’s the whole shit about clients forgetting why they hired a professional agency to do the creative work when they massacre it and re-art direct the whole thing after the agency spent a week on it?

Check this link out. I think it’s a perfect illustration of my life at the agency. And right at this VERY moment, I’m at the hopeless stage though the main source of my agony now is well, too much too soon.

See, what have I done? I have spent an entire entry on work. God help me.


Let’s talk about my house. When I ask a loan from someone, and it’s a no, why do I get criticized and belittled for the choices I make? Well, I suppose if it’s a yes, I suppose that person gets the right to put me down since I am the one who un-shamely did ask for a loan…. Ahhh whatever.

The problems in my life never cease.

I always believe that things will work itself out. It has proved that way for me many times now. I get worked up all the time about things that don’t go right. Even as I am worked up, I tell myself that things will work itself out and not to get worked up and all. Doesn’t seem to work much cos I still worry about it. So at the end of the day I do think that I am wasting a lot of time worrying about things that will set itself right.

Other than that, the house is great. I am enjoying myself. Having a house is both nerve-wrecking and satisfying.

But wait, my renovation is not completed yet and my interior designer needs to be butchered. I shall not talk about that lest’ I start another huge rant that would dwindle what’s left of my pathetic Sunday away. :/


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