Home » 10 Facts About Me

10 Facts About Me


Hello! As a new MyFatPocket Resident Blogger, I thought I’ll share a little 10 random facts about myself like a hello to all my new readers here!

Alright, besides the fact that my name is Ju Ann and you can call me nothing but Ju Ann, here are some 10 random little things about me.

1. I have never completed a single Chinese book/novel/textbook in my entire life. (Don’t ask me how I passed my O Levels Chinese…)

2. I enjoy being a free-thinker. I respect you have your religion but please, don’t preach to me.

3. My eyes literally start tearing if I am at Sim Lim Square/Funan IT Mall for more than 10 mins. (Just cannot stand IT malls)

4. I really really like traveling. No seriously, I put traveling above anything. I would go out of my way to save on food/daily necessities just to save up for a trip. I won’t spend on branded bags but I’ll gladly spend for a holiday.

5. I like chewing my straws

6. I like to mix my mashed potatoes up with the sauce before eating. I also like to mix my chilli sauce with mayonnaise at MacDonalds. It’s not gross. Try it and be enlightened!

7. Sometimes, I follow the rules, straight like a ruler. Especially when it comes to instructions. Especially not when it comes to baking. Ok wait, who am I again?

8. I love everything that has chocolate in it. The darker the merrier. The thicker, the more gooey, the richer, the better! Having said that, I am on a diet. Seriously.

9. I can be very direct and very diplomatic as well. Two ends of a spectrum… but I’m still nice. Really. :)

10. I have very little to regret for in life. Yup. Sometimes I do regret some stuff that I do or say but I forget them and forgive myself rather quickly. Afterall, everything that happens, happens for a reason and the best thing I can do about it, is to learn from it.

And yes, that’s it! 10 facts. Maybe if I feel like it. I might be back with more. Meanwhile, that’s all! :D


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  1. June 4, 2011 / 11:23 am

    So, u a choco fan… got workout and exercise or not ? :P

    • Ju Ann
      June 4, 2011 / 1:39 pm

      got got -.-

  2. Deenise Yang
    August 29, 2011 / 10:17 am

    Great post ! :)

    • Ju Ann
      August 30, 2011 / 2:15 am

      thanks babe :)